Thursday, February 14, 2008

And what shall become..

Thanks for your response Self. It almost makes me wonder because I think some side of myself has given into some of this propaganda. It's ridiculous. It's sad that throughout my life I have been given some idea of, or idea about what is it to be happy or content. I don't know but I suddenly feel almost as if I could almost go insane any moment. I am totally over these 'ideas' and, or 'thoughts' or 'what we should strive for or what we should wish to become' and and and.. oh my but the list can go on forever.

Am I even thinking right now as I type? I don't know but today has been a different and weird day and just the whole thought of propaganda that you. self. has made me think about is quite awesome! ha ah, what am I even talking about half of the time. Or even thinking about.

I like this idea of talking in some way that is a reply. As Marlon once said we should blog to and fro making responses to each others post. Or whatever.

Yeah. Other than that I can't even say what that was all about. Hopefully it will bring back memories someday of something because that is what's most important. To me anyways.

np: Empyrium - The Shepherd and the Maiden Ghost

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Tea time but yet time to blog first..

So I'm sitting here after a long needed walk around Clovelly and half way up the mountain. Feeling almost tired but also relieved.

Anyways.. I've decided that while I'm at it I might as well kick start myself back into the Blender gear again. I always enjoyed testing out things and experimenting with Blender although I was never really good at modeling but this time I'm going to give it a shot and see what I can make of it.

Assignment is due on Monday and busy writing out the rather detailed explanation of what my assignment is all about. Need to do more of that tomorrow and finalize everything so that I can put it together.

Do you really think that all our wants or desires are through Hollywood created ideas of what happiness is? Or, is most of what we see in Hollywood and etc, the happiness, the joys, the riches, the friends, the family and all that. Do we only think we'll be happy if we have those things because of what we have been taught throughout our lives or is it almost instinct to KNOW that those things would make us happy?
.. Or do they?

Either way after a *yawn* now it's time for tea and then some more Blender, maybe? Or CSS with my friend James. We'll see.

np: Amelie - Comptine D'un Autre ete : L'ap

Monday, February 4, 2008

CSS for the day

All right. So now since I've started this web and graphic design course at college, I've really decided to give it my best and my all. This is finally the part where I really get down to some serious coding and move forward and stop lingering in this 'hello world' knowledge and experience of most languages that interest me.

As I go through my studies and whatever else. I would like to list all my findings and new discoveries of how things work here and slowly, but surely hope to become a master coder. Ha ha.

A few of the programming languages out there that interest me are: Python for one, over the years of doing my research and the small bit of experimental work that I have done has shown that Python is going to be the language for me. I rather like the idea and the capabilities of this language. There won't be another, I'm sure. Python all the way out for me now, and I have to master it. No question.

The second language that I would love to move forth into completely and know without a doubt has to be PHP. Now php comes along with HTML and of course, CSS. These are the languages that I have been learning at college so far and they are pretty simple but great. I can't wait till I am setting up my own website, forms, maybe even some php stuff etc.

During this time that I've been at college we have even started a little bit of Javascript which will surely help, all round. I am enjoying the fancy things, and additions that I can add to my page.

From now on, it is my goal, every night I must put in at least a good few hours. Two of my good friends are doing the same and similar courses. So I must either try and venture into this 'new' goal of becoming a master at these few subjects along with them. Inspiration helps too!

Other than that I still have some time for my odd few hours of Ragnarok, which is bad. But still fun =P

My aim is as follows for the end of this year:

  • HTML(XHTML) and CSS (This is currently being covered at college, but I would still like to learn both these languages more in depth.)

  • Python (I've done the bare minimum of Python right now as it is, but my memory is not too good and the last time that I actually practiced was a good few months ago. I need to get into a better routine of practicing.)

  • PHP (For the near future.)

Oh and one last thing, I like the way that this Google blogger this is laid out. It's quite fancy and easy to use. Thanks Marlon! ;)

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Last night we had a power outage here at about 20:40pm. It wasn't very pleasant because I was busy studying some of my usual CSS work and trying to put new things together to see what works with what.

Well after some sitting and thinking about when the power may come on, my friend and I then decided to take a walk down to Fish Hoek beach. It was quite a different and pleasant walk for a change with everything in darkness. All that could be seen was houses with their windows lit by candle light. I like these sorts of things. Once we got to the beach I looked up at the dark mountain and once again all that could be seen was a mountain silhouetted. Which is really different from the norm because usually there's lights everywhere and I barely ever get to see the town and mountain in that 'light.'

This morning I woke up with the remembrance of three very strange dreams in mind.
Actually I couldn't even be bothered with typing them all out ;) but still the thought remains, what do dreams mean? And, or, where do they come from? What are their purpose?

For now back to some CSS.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Fire range in the South

I've just been reading up about the fires that took place this last weekend around Cape Town, on the southern part of the Peninsula. It's been quite a devastating run for nature this weekend as lots of fynbos and greenery has been destroyed. Apparently arson. :(

I wonder why people would do things like this purposefully. What is the nature of man to go and burn down his surroundings that keeps this area so breezy and full of life. I often enjoy my rides around Kommetjie through Scarborough. Viewing the scenery in the area is great and it has taken me a while to realise the truth beauty of the surrounding areas where I live. I often wish that I had use of my own transport to get places and see new things as there's so much of Cape Town and surrounding areas that I have never seen.

I need to get myself a motorbike! They aren't even expensive or so I hear. That would be great. My friend recently got one and it seems like so much fun, and with transport there would be so many new things for me to see and new places for me to go.

Well for now I'm going to be trying out this blogging deal once again to see where it takes me and where I will be going with it I do not know. It may be a fun enjoyable ride or it could be another plunge into the depth of nothingness but we'll see. I hope to make something of it. Online records are always great to keep!