Friday, March 21, 2008

Nokia morph concept

Just something that a friend showed me that I found quite interesting. It really seems the future is here.. doesn't it? ;) a cool idea, Marlon! we should start coding the kernel behind it! how fun would that be.

I haven't made a post for ages now and I really should start again. Just lack of things to write about. Working on my Javascript assignment for college still. Due date is almost near.

Found this slightly funny:

Thinking about this all some more and doing some reading about nanotechnology.. I wonder how possible something like that is? Or if it is even possible? I mean it would be something desired, an interesting toy and I would love one for myself. Actually, I'd like a morph anything, not just a Nokia phone. It would make life so much easier. More compact. When thinking about the possibilities of this I happened to think of going back in time to about 400AD and telling those folk about cellphones, internet, cars, satellites, space, etc etc and all those other things. It's a rather weird thought when thinking about the possibilities of the future. When me and you are in our 80s. What kinds of cool and fun toys will we have then and old men to play with? We'll just have to wait and see or become a part of the development of the new future which awaits us all.